Weekly Sermons (Text)

Please understand that not all ministers preach from written texts.

To read a sermon, please click below:

01/19/2025 Whiter Than Snow - Rev. Philip Parker Psalm 51: 1-12
01/12/2025 Precious In God's Sight - Rev. Anghaarad Dees Luke 3: 15-22
01/05/2025 Remembrances and Expectations - Rev. Philip Parker Matt. 26: 26-29
12/29/2024 A Light in the Darkness - Rev. Philip Parker Matt. 2: 13-18
12/22/2024 The Angels of Christmas - Rev. Philip Parker

Luke 2:  8-14

12/15/2024 House of Bread - Rev. Philip Parker

John 6: 35-40

12/08/2024 Mission Impossible - Rev. Philip Parker

Gal. 4: 4-7

12/01/2024 The Christ Before Christmas - Rev. Philip Parker


11/24/2024 A Soothful Thanksgiving - Rev. Philip Parker

Lev. 23: 33-43

11/17/2024 God and Family - Rev. Philip Parker

Personal Testimony

11/10/2024 God and Church - Rev. Philip Parker


11/03/2024 God and Government - Rev. Philip Parker

Romans 13: 1-7


Halloween - Rev. Philip Parker

Ephesians 6: 10-12


Reaching Out to Know the Mind of God - Rev. Philip Parker Personal Testimony


Reaching Out to Hear the Voice of God - Rev. Philip Parker Personal Testimony


Reaching Out to Experience the Power of God - Rev. Philip Parker Personal Testimony 


Reaching Out to See the Presence of God - Rev. Philip Parker Personal Testimony 


Reaching Out To Touch The Peace Of God - Rev. Philip Parker Personal Testimony 


Reaching Out To Touch the Hand Of God - Rev. Philip Parker Personal Testimony


The Masks We Wear - Rev. Hein Vermaak Like 12:1-3


A Knock at the Door Rev. 3: 20


Repentance and Faith - Rev. Philip Parker Mark 1: 15


Christ Alone - Rev. Philip Parker Romans 5: 1-11


Loved and Lost - Rev. Philip Parker Luke 15: 1-7


A Titanic Qestion - Rev. Philip Parker John 14: 15-21


This Precious Moment - Rev. Hein Vermaak Matt. 6: 25-34 


Running The Race of Life - Rev. Philip Parker Heb. 12: 1-3


Blinded by Hatred - Rev. Philip Parker Jonah 4: 1-11


Sackcloth and Ashes - Rev. Philip Parker Jonah 3: 1-10


In the Belly of a Whale - Rev. Philip Parker Jonah 2: 1-10


You Can't Run Away From God - Rev. Philip Parker Jonah 1: 1-17


Fathers Who Failed - Rev. Philip Parker Various


Putting Your Faith to Work - Rev. Philip Parker James 5: 19-20


A Praying Church - Rev. Philip Parker James 5: 13-18


A Healing Church - Rev. Philip Parker Acts 5: 12-16


A Singing Church - Rev. Philip Parker Psalm 100


A Godly Mother - Rev. Philip Parker Proverbs 31: 10-31


Promises Meant for Keeping - Rev. Philip Parker Matthew 5: 33-37


Persistent Patience - Rev. Philip Parker James 5: 7-11


A Seat at the Table - Rev. Shawn Morrison 2 Samuel 9


The Midas Touch - Rev. Philip Parker James 5: 1-6


Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - Rev. Philip Parker James 4: 13-16


The Resurection - Rev. Philip Parker Mark 16: 1-14 


The Palm Sunday Parade - Re. Philip Parker Luke 19: 28-44


See No Evil - Rev. Philip Parker James 4 11-12


Submission to a Higher Authority - Rev. Philip Parker James 4: 1-10


Two Kinds of Wisdom - Rev. Philip Parker James 3: 12-18


Taming the Tongue - Rev. Philip Parker James 3: 1-12


Putting Your Faith to Work - Rev. Philip Parker James 2: 14-26


Putting Your Faith to Work - Rev. Philip Parker James 2: 1-13


The Impacpts of God's Words - Rev. Shawn Morrison Psalm 119: 73-88
01/14/2024 Upside Down, Rightside Up James 1:1-18
01/07/2024 A Trip to the Temple - Rev. Philip Parker Luke 2: 21-40
12/31/2023 A Journey From Christmas - The Story of Herod - Rev. Philip Parker Matthew 2: 13-18 
12/24/2023 A Journey to Christmas - The Story of the Shepherds -- Rev. Philip Parker
12/17/2023 A Journey to Christmas - The Story of The Wise Men - Rev. Philip Parker Matthew 2: 1-12
12/10/2023 A Journey to Christmas - The Story of Mary and Joseph Matthew 1: 18-25
12/03/2023 A Journey to Christmas - The Story of Zechariah and Elizabeth - Rev. Philip Parker Luke 1: 5-23
11/26/2023 Irregardlessly Thankful -Rev. Philip Parker 1 Thess. 5: 16-18
11/19/2023 For Thine is the Kingdom - Rev. Philip Parker Matthew 6:13
11/12/2023 Lead Us Not Into Temptation - Rev. Philip Parker Matthew 6: 13
11/05/2023 Forgive Us Our Debts - Rev. Philip Parker Matthew 6: 12, 14-15
10/29/2023  Give Us Our Daily Bread - Rev. Philip Parker   Matthew 6:11 Proverbs 30: 7-8 
10/22/2023 Fully Joy Through Jesus - Rev. Shawn Morrison Psalm 125 & 126
10/15/2023 The Lord's Prayer - Thy Kingdom Come - Rev. Philip Parker
10/08/2023 The Lord's Prayer - Hallowed Be Thy Name - Rev. Philip Parker Matthew 6: 1-9
10/01/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Reliance - Rev. Philip Parker Philippians 4: 10-23
09/24/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Peacefulness - Rev. Philip Parker Philippians 4: 2-9
09/17/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Perseverance - Rev. Philip Parker Philippians 3: 12 - 4: 1
09/10/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Poverty Philippians 3: 1-11
09/03/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Comradeship - Rev. Philip Parker Philipians 2: 19-30
08/27/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Radiance - Rev. Philip Parker Phillipians 2:12-18
08/20/2023 Jesus - The Source of True Rest - Rev. Shawn Morrison Psalm 116 & 117
08/13/2023 A Joyful Nugget of Humility - Rev. Philip Parker Philippians 2: 1-11
08/06/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Evangelism - Rev. Philip Parker Philippians 1: 12-30
7/30/2023 A Nugget of Joyful Thankfulness - Rev. Philip Parker  Philippians 1: 1-11
07/23/2023 We're Going to See the King - Rev. Philip Parker Isaiah 6: 1-8
07/16/2023 Being Honest With God - Rev. Shawn Morrison Psalm 88
07/09/2023 Testimonies from Montreat - BPC Youth
07/02/2023 The Rest of the Story - Rev. Philip Parker Joshua 2:14-21, 25-27
06/25/2023 Spying Out the Land - Rev. Philip Parker Joshua 2: 1-24  Heb. 11: 30-31 
06/18/2023 One for All and All for One - Rev. Philip Parker Joshua 1: 10-18
06/11/2023 In Times Like These - Rev. Philip Parker Joshua 1: 1-9 Deut. 34: 5-12
06/04/2023 The Last Word on Gods Word - Rev. Salley's last sermon 2 Tim. 3: 14 - 4:5

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