Real worship happens any time, and every time, we actively honor God with our lives.  While whatever you may be doing on the outside may lead you to real worship: singing, praying, meditating, ministering, it can only enhance your worship but not replace it. Similarly, if you are truly worshipping, then nothing happening on the outside can detract from that worship taking place on your inside.  As Jesus told the woman at the well … TRUE WORSHIPPERS will worship the Father in SPIRIT and TRUTH, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. - John 4:23


DSC 0123Thus, our Sunday worship services are designed first to glorify God by directing our corporate praise towards Him, while moving our individual hearts to know and serve God better every day of our lives.


Bedford Presbyterian Church follows a blended style of reformed worship.  As suited for a historic building serving a more traditional congregation, our worship service combines traditional prayers, creedal declarations, and a sermon; along with both classic hymns and contemporary praise songs – with texts televised on monitors.


The pastors’ and congregations’ dress style vary from the occasional clergy robes, to normally suit and tie or smart casual dress.  But rest assured, however you are modestly dressed, you are welcomed to worship with us.




You can read and download sermons  on the  Weekly Sermons (Text) Page.





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